Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a day!

This morning we had our 38 week appointment.  After last week's appointment I knew I was going to have to get my feelings in on not wanting to be induced unless Dr. T. felt it was necessary.
We got there a few minutes early and didn't have to wait too long before we were called back.  I was surprised to learn that we were actually headed to the monitor to have a non stress test done.  After that I had my blood pressure taken.  You should have heard the nurse when it came up as 131/7?.  We were also surprised because of the readings I had been getting here at home for the last week (they were all up). 
Once we saw the dr. she was really sweet to understand my feelings about not wanting to be induced unless she thought it was necessary.  After she checked me (which by the change) we talked about some of the symptoms I'd been experiencing the last few days (nausea/headaches/high BP readings) so she thought it would be best to send us over to the hospital where I could be on the monitor for longer and have my BP checked frequently.  (Side note- There were a few times during the non stress test that things could have looked better.)
So...Brendan and I grabbed some lunch nearby and then headed to labor and delivery around noon.  We were there till about 2pm when we were discharged.  My labs, BP, and Katie Brooke seemed to be doing alright.  Knowing my feelings on inducing Dr. T. had the nurse make me an appointment for next week.  This is where things got interesting.
We didn't get to see Dr. T. personally while at the hospital (she had a delivery and then ran back to the office) so we were totally shocked when the L&D nurse told us our appointment was for NEXT Friday, the 25th-2 days before my due date!  When I asked why I was told that Dr. T was out of town Tuesday-Thursday.  Oh, what wave of emotions ran through me.  Why didn't they tell us this at the office? 
You see...I haven't had ANY appointments with the other dr. in the practice and can't imagine anyone but Dr. T delivering Katie Brooke.  So...Brendan and I made the decision that we didn't want to run the risk of going into labor or having my BP spike and needing to deliver while Dr. T. was out of town. I was, the annoying patient that can't seem to get her mind made up, calling Dr. T. just hours after telling her that I didn't want to be induced unless she felt it was medically necessary calling to ASKED to be induced before she goes out of town.  Thankfully she was very understanding and we are now scheduled to start our induction Sunday night with Cerevidil and then Pitocin 12 hours later on Monday.  If everything works we should have Katie Brooke here in our arms sometime Monday!
Brendan and I are excited, however, I don't think the reality that we'll have our little girl in less than a week has hit completely.
Our plan for the rest of the week is to enjoy these last few days of being a family of 2 (ok, 3 counting Audrey).  Guess we'll get to go and see Toy Story 3 and I just might be able to get a pedicure like I've been wanting!  Who knows...maybe we'll get the last decorative touches done in the nursery.  Anyway we spend it will be wonderful, I just know it.
Thank you to all our wonderful family and friends for your support, prayers, cards, meals, and cleaning you've done this entire pregnancy.  You all mean so much to us and we look forward to Katie Brooke getting to meet each one of you.

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