Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pregnancy Week 37

I was able to attend Sunday morning worship for just the second time since being on bed rest this week. Brendan was preaching so I did a no-no and drove myself there. It was so uplifting to be with so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
On Monday Brendan was home like he is every Monday (it's his "off" day). Vacation Bible School started that evening. Brendan was to lead the singing like he usually does, but this time I wasn't helping out like I normally do. Strange and weird, but nothing I could do to change it.
Tuesday we headed to my appointment with Dr. T. We had an early appointment hoping that would cut down on our waiting time. It did a bit-but we were still there for almost two hours total. During this appointment I was shocked that my blood pressure was actually a bit down (upper 130s). So...when the dr. came in she was quick to bring up the induction topic. However, this time (for the first time) she made me feel as though it was more in my court to decide if I wanted to have it. I was totally caught off guard about this and dealt with a lot of mixed emotions over the next few days. The appointment ended with her checking me and telling me for the third week in a row that we were still not "ready".
That evening Mandi came over and kept me company while Brendan was at VBS. She finished painting the teacups and Bible verse on the chifferobe as well as starting some wall art for Katie Brooke. While she was here I was able to chat with her sister Amy who is an L&D nurse. We discussed all the things Dr. T had mentioned using for inducing and my feelings about choosing me daughters birthday. She really helped me sort out my feelings about the whole situation.
Over the next days Brendan and I came to the conclusion that we're up for inducing, but only if Dr. T says it's best for medical reasons (and only medical reasons) otherwise I'm going to be patient and let my body prepare itself for labor. I am quit interested to see how it does if I'm suppose to stay on bed rest with my feet up though (isn't that the opposite of what you're usually encouraged to do to help move it along?).
On Wednesday I escaped out of the house again, but only to go and get a massage! One of my students gave me a gift certificate for the total cost of a 50 min prenatal massage. It was WONDERFUL. I only wish the girl would have massaged my ankles! (I didn't understand why she didn't till a friend told me afterwards that massaging ankles can start labor) :)
Thursday I was home...but did manage to make us dinner. We gotta eat, right?
Friday I had an appointment to get my last trim before Katie Brooke arrives. I had been needing this for around a month so I was relieved to get it done before she comes!
To end the week Brendan and I enjoyed a nice Saturday at home. He went and picked up dinner so I didn't have to cook and we watched tons of Back to the Future. We also TRIED to install our car seat, but with no luck. Turns out the one we'd been given has a base that had an involuntary swap 2 years ago (not a recall or else I would have caught this MONTHS ago when I looked). So...tomorrow morning bright and early we have to make a dash to Dothan and get a car seat and stroller so little Katie Brooke can come home! Can't believe we're doing this the week she could be coming home. Trying not to stress about it-don't want the blood pressure to rise!

In other news...

For the past three evenings (and various times today) I've been experiencing nausea. Even had to take some of my left over Zofran to get rid of it each night. Some say this is a sign of going into labor, but my BabyCenter email said it was a symptom of preeclampsia. Don't plan on calling the dr. about it unless it gets really bad. I'll just be sure to tell her Tuesday morning.

That's all for now!


  1. Jenny don't panic too much about the carseat issue. If you go into labor, you can install them without the base. In fact I find them even more stable that way. While it's not the easiest way to install, it is possible. It SHOULD show you the directions how to on the side of the carseat.
    I'm also betting there would be quite a few people willing to pick up your carseat, travel system, etc in Dothan for you if that sweet baby comes before you get do not let this stress you!! It will all work out JUST FINE!!!! Thinking about you!!!

  2. It's always nerve wracking just prior to any birth. Try to calm down and breath deeply. Things will go as planned :) His plan heehee Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers!!
