The end of week 24 brought another trip out of town with the youth group. We were heading to the SOAR Youth Rally in Augusta, Georgia. This was by far the longest trip I had taken since all of our driving during the holidays. My migraines were better by this point, however I started having swelling issues while on this trip. Work was also very stressful during this time due to one of my co-workers being on maternity leave. Let's just say for a few weeks I felt as though I was teaching two classes. By my next appointment my blood pressure was elevated and yet again my weight gain was over the top. :(
The following week when I was 26 weeks we were anxiously awaiting the call from my sister that she was in labor. Tuesday morning, two days after her expected due date, I received a text from her that she had started contracting during the night. I spent the rest of the day in constant contact with my brother-in-law through text messages. By that afternoon after I had lined up a sub for the rest of the week, Brendan and I headed to Murfressboro (against my OB's recommendation). She felt that I shouldn't travel more than two hours away from home due to my elevated BP and swelling issues. We arrived around 12:30am on Wednesday. Em was doing great and if everything progressed as it had, we were expecting her to start pushing around 5-6am. So...we headed to their house just a few minutes away from the hospital for a few hours of sleep. However, soon after we fell asleep we got the call that she was ready to push! We threw ourselves together and headed back up there around 3:15 or so. At 4:03 am my niece JuliAnn Evie was born!
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