Saturday, November 21, 2009

Getting Our Due Date!

Only one week had passed since I had gotten a positive pregnancy test. At our first dr. appointment the wrote a due date down...but I knew it wasn't even worth remembering or sharing. This past Wednesday we had an ultrasound scheduled before our appointment with the dr. to get a more accurate due date. I was thinking I would be told I was 4-6 weeks pregnant. So I was TOTALLY shocked to hear what I though was a heart beat and more shocked to be told that in fact we were hearing our baby's heart beat. The tech. went on to tell me that I was already 8 weeks 3 days pregnant! I COULDN'T believe it. I had only been taking my thyroid med. for 4 weeks as this point. Needless to say I was wrong in my negative mindset about becoming parents anytime soon and was quickly reminded that with God all things are possible. At that point we were official given a June 27th, 2010 due date!

We had a lot of fun calling all our loved ones and letting them know our big news. We grabbed dinner to eat while we drove back to Enterprise for Bible study. Telling our church family was a lot of fun. I was able to grab a few of my close friends to personally tell, Brendan told the youth group while he was doing the announcements in class, and everyone else found out thanks to Mr. Keith who informed the church family before our devo. time that even though he wasn't allowed to announce anything...he did want people to know that Brendan and I had been studying Gen. and had taken to heart God's command to be fruitful and multiply. (You can imagine how red Brendan and I both turned!)


  1. We are so excited for both of you :) I'm having dinner Monday night with Charmaine and some friends and I just know we're going to be sharing tales of grandmotherhood!!

  2. YAY! Im so excited for you guys! These next few months will be amazing! God delivers in his own time... crazy huh? I was told at 20 that I had a 50/50 chance of being pregnant and that the longer we waited the less of a chance we had. I also have a disease that does effect my reproductive organs. After trying for a few months we were told it just may not happen for us.... then a year later (still trying) we found out we were pregnant. This could possible be our only baby but we are thankful God has given us this blessing and we are thankful that you guys will be able to have the same kind of blessing!
