Saturday, November 21, 2009
Getting Our Due Date!
We had a lot of fun calling all our loved ones and letting them know our big news. We grabbed dinner to eat while we drove back to Enterprise for Bible study. Telling our church family was a lot of fun. I was able to grab a few of my close friends to personally tell, Brendan told the youth group while he was doing the announcements in class, and everyone else found out thanks to Mr. Keith who informed the church family before our devo. time that even though he wasn't allowed to announce anything...he did want people to know that Brendan and I had been studying Gen. and had taken to heart God's command to be fruitful and multiply. (You can imagine how red Brendan and I both turned!)
Telling Our Loved Ones
To tell the new grandparents-to-be we decided Audrey needed to wear a "Big Sister" t-shirt. We looked around at a few stores, but quickly realized we should just make one ourselves. So...Friday evening I made this:
Audrey loved it. She was so excited about going to see everyone on Saturday you'd think she knew what her shirt said!
When we got to Prattville she quickly ran inside to find her friend Dudley. Mrs. Charmaine and Mr. Bob weren't surprised to see her in a t-shirt...they were just surprised to see it wasn't an Auburn t-shirt! (Audrey usually sports those on game days.) It took them a few seconds to read what it said, but they all Mrs. Charmaine kept doing was looking at us and say "Huh? What? Really?" (or something like that) It was priceless!
I hated to tell them, especially Mrs. Charmaine, that we needed them to not tell anyone until at least Wednesday evening. I felt so bad! I knew it was going to be hard...but I REALLY appreciated her keeping our secret. :)
After spilling our exciting news to them we headed to Faulkner's Homecoming football game. We had a good time...but it was a bit harder not to tell anyone our big news :) Here are some pictures from our time there (including pics of some of our College Ave. youth kids on Homecoming Court!) Congrats to Leeann and Tyler who were crowned Homecoming Queen and King!
Our First Appointment
And here's a side note for you...
Without a definite due date I REALLY didn't want to tell people, but wouldn't you know that while I was sitting in the lab's waiting area a co-worker walked out and saw me?!? She was there finding out what her baby is. After telling her hi and to quickly tell her that she wasn't seeing me there (if you know what I mean). :)
Well, the nausea continued and people started wondering...could I be pregnant? People would ask and I would just say..."I can't be. It's impossible with my thyroid messed up." I firmly believed that. I had even cried over the thought of not being able to become a mom for a long while. Well...then came Veteran's Day.
On Veteran's Day I was home from work. By 11am I was cleaning out from under the sink and found one last at-home pregnancy test. My thought was, "I don't want this thing in our house, but I don't want to just throw it away." So...I took it. I sat it down and started doing something else. Then...when I picked it up it said..."Pregnant". My reaction was "What?!?!" I COULDN'T believe it...didn't believe it. Somehow this thing was wrong. Later that day I made a call to the dr. and left a message for the nurse to call me back. A few hours later the nurse called back. I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, told Brendan not to answer it, grabbed the phone, and toke the call into our bathroom (with both our bedroom and bathroom door closed). When I was done hearing the nurse say, "Why couldn't it be possible?" and after making an appointment to check and see for the following Friday I walked back into the living room. When Brendan asked me who had called...I couldn't help but smile. I then proceeded to tell him that we had a positive pregnancy test. Hey grinned and wrapped his arms around me.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Quick Trip
Last weekend I made a quick trip to
Saturday morning the family joined back up for a pancake breakfast! It was SO much fun just to spend time with family (sometimes I really miss being close by). My cousin Heidi and her family were able to come. I love getting to hang out with them...especially her little boys!

E also got in on the Bananagram action! When his daddy got there they played against Mommy, Aunt Cheryl, and Mimi (my cousin Heidi's mom, my Aunt Nancy). O wanted to take pictures with me.

If you haven't big sis is expecting! You can really tell in this picture, but in person she is an adorable pregnant lady. After we took this picture, we headed to Target with Mom to get her registered! Baby Gill will be here around March 20th!

Like I said earlier, this trip was VERY quick. On my way to Georgia Citty, Brendan's grandmother, passed away after a long battle with cancer. I headed back home Saturday afternoon, but not before picking up a nail in my tire. Thankfully I found a tire repair place where both of the men that helped me were from south Alabama! Couldn't believe it!
Once I was on my way I dealt with some heavy downpours, but safely made it home around 8pm cst. Brendan and I spent Sunday afternoon getting ready to head to Louisiana for Citty's funeral. I'll save that for another post.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Busy Busy
I always appreciate Wednesday evening Bible study, but I especially appreciate it when the week is so full. God knows we need to slow down and spend that time with our brothers and sisters in His word. Right now I'm doing a study with the girls using the Girl to Girl devotional book. For the first two weeks we've talked about how to strengthen our commitment to God. And lets just say, I'm am one of those teachers who learns by teaching. What a blessing it is to be apart of their lives. Soon I'll be doing a study with some ladies around my age here at home. This will be every Tuesday. I'm getting excited about that time too!
On Friday evening Brendan and I went to the Enterprise football game. It's nice to spend that time with him. We sat with the Enloe's, a great family from College Avenue. This was the first high school game Brendan and I had been to since he was on the sidelines with Coach Strunk. I did find myself really missing Kathy and Jana Beth.
Yesterday Brendan and I worked to get things ready for today's Area Wide Devotional that College Avenue is hosting. He and I will be leaving in about an hour to go out to Camp Wiregrass for this big activity. We've shopped and are preparing to feed between 150-200 people! Brendan was able to get Brother Eric Lyons to come and speak. We've gotten LOTS of help from families at College Avenue which is such a blessing. I'll do my best to take some pictures to share. As of now there is a 50% chance of rain. We're optimistic that this will decrease (it already has once!) and if it doesn't...we'll I'm sure we'll still have a great time spending time with Brothers and Sisters from around the area, worshiping God, and eating some good food.
In other news, please be in prayer for our families. As many know my grandfather, Fred Shields past away July 5th of this year. Well, my grandmother, Sibyl, will celebrated her birthday this Wednesday. She's been a bit lonely and I'm sure should would love the extra encouragement as this day approaches. I will be going to Atlanta to spend time with her and other family for this special day. Also, my other grandfather, Gerald, passed away Sept. 1st. My grandmother, Joan, has been grieving his death while battling her own health problems. Lastly, Brendan's grandmother has stopped her treatments for Leukemia. His mother has gone to be with her while we wait for her earthly departure. With all that said...please keep all of us in your prayers.
Must run now...
Monday, September 7, 2009

New School Year

Why is it?
Sunday, June 7, 2009

As we were walking out back to the road from the woods it started to rain. We weren't even a mile from the car...but we were all DRENCHED! (No pics of that though...sorry!)
We decided to do one other geocache before we headed home. It was a "Grab and Go" cache..but it took us a while! Haha

Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Madness of May!
Saturday morning we woke up to LOTS of rain, but we weren't letting that stop us from enjoying Christa's early morning graduation ceremony. We made it up some SHAKY bleachers to our seats. Christa was her silly self when she walked BRISKLY across the stage, so fast no one was able to get a picture! Oh well, we got some cute ones as she made her way back to her seat.

As we were leaving the ceremony we realized the rain had let up enough to go to the fountain for some graduation pictures.

Weekend #3 On this weekend I was quickly preparing for the Senior Banquet at church. Saturday morning I went to pick up the order I had placed earlier in the week for what I THOUGHT was a cupcake cake (a cake made out of cupcakes iced over to look like a cake). Well, I ended up FREAKING out when I was given 56 individual cupcakes! After I spent some time at home coming up with a plan to make a cupcake stand I headed to Wal-Mart hoping they would have the supplies I needed. Well...they didn't. However, I THANKFULLY found a 3 tier stand which I was able to decorate a bit with some glue and ribbon.