I can't believe I
haven't posted in a whole month, but that was do to the madness of May! I'm going to try and recap all that went on with the help of some pics. Here we go...
Weekend #1 Brendan and I had lots of fun playing a game we've come to love called Crazy Bridge at the Baker's. We've come to REALLY appreciate this family who came to College Ave. church around a year and half ago. I wasn't feeling my best, but I can never decline an invitation to their house! This was also the first time we had been to their new home. They have an amazing back porch with the best outdoor couch I've ever been on! I'm relaxed just thinking about it! On Sunday the youth group traveled to the other side of Dothan for the last Area Wide of the school year.
Weekend #2 was all about Christa! Brendan's sister graduated from the University of North Alabama (UNA). He and I traveled to Prattville early Friday morning so we could carpool with Mr. Charmaine and Mr. Bob (his parents). Before we made it to the house, we stopped by Lowe's to pick up Mrs. Charmaine's Mother's Day present. We gave her a Dogwood tree for the back yard. I just wish I had taken a picture of it hanging out of the car's window!

I really do have the BEST mother-in-law a girl could ask for. I know I say that a lot, but it's completely true!
Anyway...we made it to Florence in time to check in to our hotel and visit with Christa before her pinning ceremony from the university's school of nursing. We all finished the night with a late night dinner.

Saturday morning we woke up to LOTS of rain, but we weren't letting that stop us from enjoying Christa's early morning graduation ceremony. We made it up some SHAKY bleachers to our seats. Christa was her silly self when she walked BRISKLY across the stage, so fast no one was able to get a picture! Oh well, we got some cute ones as she made her way back to her seat.

As we were leaving the ceremony we realized the rain had let up enough to go to the fountain for some graduation pictures.

Afterwards we went back to her apartment for a light "in-door" picnic style lunch. Christa also opened some graduation gifts. Check out her ADORABLE collection of scrubs!

We saved our appetites for dinner which was later in the evening at a wonderful steak place...the name has left me at this point. We were joined by some of her really sweet friends.

To finish the day off great we headed back to Christa's apartment for some YUMMY dessert and coffee. Us older folks left the party a soon after.
Sunday morning we woke up, wished Mrs. Charmaine a happy mother's day, checked out of our hotel, and headed to worship with Christa. Before we left for home we ate at the famous Italian
restaurant Rigatoni's. Yummy! We made it back to
Prattville in time to worship at University with Mandi and finished with dinner at Red Lobster before heading back home.

The following Tuesday I was off to Gulf World in Panama City, Florida with my students for a field trip. We had a full day of fun, but had to come home early when a thunderstorm
interrupted I finished my work week with lots of paper work preparing for the end of the year and the all lovely Field Day.

Weekend #3 On this weekend I was quickly preparing for the Senior Banquet at church. Saturday morning I went to pick up the order I had placed earlier in the week for what I THOUGHT was a cupcake cake (a cake made out of cupcakes iced over to look like a cake). Well, I ended up FREAKING out when I was given 56 individual cupcakes! After I spent some time at home coming up with a plan to make a cupcake stand I headed to
Wal-Mart hoping they would have the supplies I needed. Well...they didn't. However, I THANKFULLY found a 3
tier stand which I was able to decorate a bit with some glue and ribbon.

After I frantically wrapped the Bible's, our gifts, and made food for the pot luck I was exhausted! Sunday afternoon while Brendan and I were setting up the tables, we were presently surprised to have Mrs. Bonnie join us. She was gracious enough to run and get the balloons that I hadn't been able to pick up. Again, thank you Mrs. Bonnie! Our graduates for this year were the youngest when Brendan got here over 4 years ago. It was so neat to hear what their parents had to say about them and to watch their
slide shows. However, the best part of the evening was to hear their special messages. You wouldn't believe the laughs and the tears the boys brought out! They truly will be missed when they are off at college.

The next work week for me was, thankfully, the last full week! This was the week I took on the never-ending task of packing up my classroom.
Weekend #4 Finally! Memorial Day weekend had arrived! I woke up early Saturday morning and got the house nice and clean for our guests. Mrs. Charmaine and Mr. Bob (along with Dudley) drove through some awful rain to make it to our house by the afternoon. For dinner that night I made one of my new favorite simple dinners, Cajun chicken sandwiches. We spent the night watching a few episodes of Band of Brothers.
After worship on Sunday we came home for lunch. Mrs. Charmaine made a yummy
crawfish stew with crab. This was my first time to eat crab from the shell. I knew the meat would be yummy...I was just a bit
anxious about doing what need to be done to get it!

By mid afternoon Audrey and Dudley were stir-crazy and needed to get out. So...we headed for the park while there was a break in the rain.

After getting back I was able to take a nice nap. However, I was woken up by a phone call telling me that one of the first student's father had been killed in Afghanistan just the Friday before.
Monday morning I made some
beignets for breakfast. No, they aren't like the ones you get in the French Quarter...but they were still good! Later in the morning Mrs. Charmaine and I started preparing for our shrimp boil by shucking the fresh corn! Audrey was sweet to want in on the help. :)

Brendan and I ended up setting up the table in the garage due to the on again off again showers that lasted ALL weekend.

Around 2 our friends started to arrive for the shrimp boil! My friend from work,
Kelli, who's hubby already had to make their next military move come to join the fun. Shortly after she arrived, Daniel and Leigh arrived with Audrey's new buddy Madeline. Before long we were all at our seats ready to dig in to the great spread Mrs. Charmaine had prepared. We had a great afternoon of fun with all who was there!

Late in the afternoon Mr. Bob and Mrs. Charmaine headed home with Dudley while Daniel and Brendan got ready to play a church league men's softball game. Leigh and I headed to the ballpark too, but soon realized that there would be rain. So...we went and played with Melissa and her newborn Hannah Grace. I was so excited to finally meet Hannah and to visit with Melissa. It was a great way to end the Memorial Day weekend.

Well...as you can see, May was the month of madness. I know I rambled a lot in this post...so I do thank you for being patient. Next time I wont wait so long to post!